Future talks: Serious Games
On 13, Sep 2017 | In Blog, In The Media | By KaTi
The Deutscher Kulturrat (German culture council) invited me to talk about the chances and challenges of serious games in the September issue of their magazine “Kultur & Politik”. Read more…
Pokémon Go Anniversary
On 02, Aug 2017 | In Blog, In The Media | By KaTi
In celebration of the first anniversary of the launch of Pokémon Go, German news outlet comments on the phenomenon of the location-based game and highlights its current and prospective impact on the location-based AR app market.
On Games & Activism
On 27, Jun 2017 | In Blog, In The Media | By KaTi
In an online article today, Dinah Riese of the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reflects on how computer games fail or succeed in critically discussing important real-world topics.
New WASD out now!
On 01, Jun 2017 | In Blog, Books & Articles | By KaTi
I was invited to write about documentary games & VR for the current issue (no. 11 Revolution – Games & Change) of WASD and received the magic copy of the bookazine by mail today. Can´t wait to dive into all those interesting articles…
Hello Goodbye Hello G4CE!
On 23, Jul 2016 | In Blog | By KaTi
It´s been a tough decision but in order to free time for my own research I will be stepping back from my co-presidency at Games for Change Europe this month. As a founding member of the European cluster, I am very proud of what we have achieved throughout the past four years and will continue supporting the initiative and the team whenever I can.
Blending Realities
Blending Realities is the framework topic of my research about artistic design methodologies that connect the physical world and the virtual, specifically AR and VR environments, to allow audiences a change of perspective. Hence creating empathy and facilitating empowerment and transformation.
Games that are more than Games
On 14, Aug 2015 | In Blog, In The Media | By KaTi
“Notgames are not a niche phenomenon. They are a reminder that most traditional video games still are trapped in a niche.” German newspaper “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” published an excellent writeup on the last and final Notgames Fest. Read more…
Games and Education for Sustainable Living
On 25, Feb 2015 | In Blog, Books & Articles | By KaTi
I was interviewed for the German UNESCO Education Portal about the potential of digital games and the role of their makers in the education for sustainable living.
Science Of Things
On 27, Dec 2014 | No Comments | In Blog | By KaTi
This is a selection of microscopic photos I took between March and June 2014. All images were created with an low-budget SUPRA SU 1070 microscope using magnifying factors 10x / 40x and a handheld iPhone 4s camera. Read more…
Les Ateliers Du Jeu Vidéo 2014
On 20, Dec 2014 | In Blog, Publications, Talks & Events | By KaTi
Les Ateliers Du Jeu Vidéo is an annual series of talks and workshop around the diploma presentation of the graduate students at L’École nationale du jeu et des médias interactifs numériques (ENJMIN). This year the school also opened their new impressive campus.