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By KaTi
On 15, Dec 2014 | In Books & Articles | By KaTi
Making It Personal – Towards A Customized Experience For Impact Games
My conference paper for the 2014 Clash of Realties Computer Games Conference was recently published in the compendium “Spielwelt – Weltspiel. Narration, Interaktion und Kooperation im Computerspiel”.
Aside from four English essays (including my contribution), the book is in German. You can download my essay further down below.
Full Title: Spielwelt – Weltspiel. Narration, Interaktion und Kooperation im Computerspiel: Clash of Realities 2014
Publisher: kopaed
Publishing Date: October 2014
ISBN-10: 3867362351
Making It Personal – Towards A Customized Experience For Impact Games
From an economic perspective, fictional digital games have successfully outperformed their linear counterparts in film (Combs 2011) but still, in the public eye, games are only half-way through the process of becoming a legitimate and socially acceptable medium. At the same time (or maybe for exactly this reason), today´s gaming industry is on the verge of an indispensable aesthetic evolutionary step.